Artist Information
اهلاً ، اولاً أنا أحُب الرسم جداً بإستثناء رسم الأرواح لا أحب رسمها ولكن أُجيد رسم الخط العربي و زخارف المانديلا و أُحب جداً رسم الأعين لأنها تُلهمني و أحب رسم الأشياء الغريبة أتمنى أنني قد تمكنت من إفادتكم بهذهِ المعلومات البسيطة ، شكراً .Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
Artist's skills
Illustration & Painting
From 100.00 SAR
Prices are estimatedPrices are estimated and change based on time, place, demand, and requirements.
Things to know
Clients Cancelation Policy:
- If you want to cancel, 50% (or as per agreement with the artist) of the paid amount is nonrefundable or as per agreement with the artist.- if you want to change the date or time, you will have to pay an extra 40% (or as per agreement with the artist) before confirming the new date and time.
- In case of artist cancelation, the full amount will be refunded unless you choose a new artist.