معلومات الفنان
نبذة عن الفنان
ANZ SOZA is the Founder and Owner of AnneArtwear Project FZ-LLC She is a "Meraki" artist, an "Outlier". "Meraki" is a Greek word that means; when you leave a piece of yourself, your soul, creativity, and love in what you do. To put a little bit of yourself into something. "Outlier" is a person or thing differing from all other members of a particular group or set. ANNEARTWEAR PROJECT is derived from the word “art-to-wear”. Since its establishment, AnneArtwear Project FZ-LLC aims at making masterpieces in a vast variety from outfits, shoes to bags, and more from the customers’ viewpoint. Handcrafted Each and every piece are unique and original as each item is 100% meticulously hand-painted. We pride ourselves in the fact that each and every product are flawlessly hand-painted by devoted high-level skilled and experienced artists who are passionate about what they do. Impeccable Style Synonymous with style, AnneArtwear Project is dedicated in creating hand-painted beautiful and unique masterpieces with exceptional style and quality on your product.
- المكان
- دبي, الامارات
معلومات هامة
سياسة الإلغاء والاسترجاع للعميل
- في حال قام العميل بإلغاء الطلب، المبلغ غير قابل للاسترجاع إلا في حال وافق الفنان على إرجاع المبلغ أو جزء منه، ويتم استقطاع عمولة فنانك 10%.
- لا يمكن تغيير الموعد إلا بموافقة الفنان.
- إذا قام الفنان بإلغاء الطلب، يتم توفير فنان بديل للعميل حسب المتاح.
- إذا رفض العميل استبدال الفنان، يتم استرجاع المبلغ بالكامل للعميل.